Crop For A Cause

Spring is in the air. That means our Spring Crop for a Cause is right around the corner!!  If you have any craft projects that have been neglected because you haven't had time to sit down and do them, then now is the time to gather it all up and come to this event!!!
Please join us for the 17th Annual, Crop for a Cause, on Friday, April 4 and Saturday, April 5.  
Proceeds from these two days will go toward the St Matthew’s, Youth Service Trip this summer.  
                                                    Crop for a Cause Registration

June 9-14, 2025

Click link below for program information and registration

Youth Ministry Registration


St Matthew's Saturday, 4:30 pm Mass is Livestreamed
YouTube Link to Livestream Mass

2nd Sunday of Lent
March 16, 2025
Written Homily
Music Sheet
Keeping the Seasons


Mass Times

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday - 3:30 pm

Weekend Masses
Saturday - 4:30 pm
Sunday - 8:30 am & 10:30 am

Daily Mass Schedule
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 7:15 am
Thursday is 8:30 am School Mass-during school year

Pray with us - visit our Online Mass page for details.

Office Hours

Monday thru Thursday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
Closed Friday
